Why My Mom is So Special

[This is my mom and I on a photography nature walk for Keepers at Home.]

My mom is the best person in the world because when I was born the very first moment I saw my mother I knew I was the luckiest girl in the world. I had the greatest gift anyone could ask for, and from that moment on I loved her and was proud to call her mom and when I was sad I looked at her face and I would have the biggest smile in the whole world. I loved her and still now when I’m sad I look at her face and I smile.

You can see I have a great mom that makes me so happy the stars stop their shining and the wind stops and even my heart stops and it makes me know for sure I have the nicest mom in the world and that is why my mom is so special.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aww, wow, you and your mom are so beautiful! What a treasured photo of you together!!

Your blog is extremely cute. I love the design!

Miss Jocelyn

Blogger SuperAngel said...

Oh how sweet! That was such a beautiful tribute to your mama! You both are gorgeous!

I can't wait to meet y'all!

Your blog is so adorable! I *love* it!

Thanks for the link too, Sweetie! I am glad you enjoy my blog! :D

Miss Amanda

That is SO sweet! How wonderful that you love your mom so much. Those are great pix of the two of you.

Congrats on your new blog - it's very cute!

Bunny Trails

btw - I'm one of your mom's friends from the Homeschool Blog Awards. :D

Blogger Sisterlisa said...

How sweet!!! I love your blog too!

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for commenting on my scrapbooking article and answering the questions! I hope you'll enter the giveaway! We appreciate all your support of GGM!

Miss Jocelyn

A Pondering Heart
Growing In Grace Magazine WRITER
Homesteading Carnival

Blogger Meesa said...

Hi, Sabra! On your mom's team "The Homeschool Post" one of her team-mates is sprittibee at sprittibee.com! I'm her daughter. :) You and your mom look like twins! :) You are so pretty! Please comment back and tell me if I can put your URL for your blog on my sidebar of my blog(Mees-Alees.blogspot.com)! :) I'm looking forward to the next time I go to your blog!


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